Tuesday 23 October 2018

Meeting with Camden Council

NW3 CLT Meeting with Camden Council
Date: October 16th 2018
Time: 9:30 am
Attendees: Sanya Polescuk, Sorin Floti, David Saxby, Josephine Field, Neil Vokes, Martin Olomofe

Introductions- Sanya Polescuk told Neil that a year ago he had been tasked with growing the organisation and now NW3 has over 100 members. Everyone from NW3 and Camden introduced themselves. Sanya explained that in the meeting it would be good to get the Council’s views on working with a CLT, as well as discuss Branch Hill and another, small site in NW3.

Neil mentioned that Camden sees themselves as a council that has the desire and capability to build and that they see the CIP approach as the right one.
Camden also has a small sites program where the HRA stock has been/is being reviewed by Savills. This program will require more capacity.

David explained his experience working with councils and his understanding of why taking contributions from developers to build in cheaper parts of the borough would be attractive, but why this isn’t always the best option.

Martin asked what experience NW3 had in delivering projects. Sanya and David explained that while the organisation hasn’t executed a project yet, due to the short time it has been around, it has architects, financial consultants, and project managers within the organisation and due to this experience, there is confidence that executing a project will be possible.

Neil spoke about his experience with the Brixton Green project and stated that he greatly supported the model. However, he felt the project was too large in scale and would have worked better had it been broken into smaller bits. Neil said that moving forward CLTs would be well suited to try smaller sites initially or to work with developers.

Josephine asked Martin and Neil about models of CLT partnerships that they thought worked and they said that working with a local council could work with the council managing and holding a long lease.

Sorin explained that there was potential and interest for a small site in NW3 to become a project. Due to the circumstances, the CLT being based in that community, and the size of this site seemed like a good fit. Neil seemed encouraged and agreed that the size would be a good fit. Sorin explained that we were awarded funding and also advice and support in addition to feasibility funding from the GLA. Sanya explained that this funding, however, is contingent on Camden having appetite for this project to progress.

Action- Neil said he would speak to his colleagues who oversee small sites and the particular site in NW3 as part of a bigger programme and feedback to NW3 CLT what a next step might be. Follow up with thankyou email and remind Neil of his commitment.

Sanya mentioned the ongoing conversation with the developers looking to redevelop Branch Hill and the intention to attend the upcoming resident engagement on October 20th.
Action- Sanya to feedback following the Branch Hill engagement on Saturday, October 20th.